
November 30, 2014

I think I like Advent best

Today begins Advent. This is the time (four weeks) that we prepare for Christmas, which I always thought was my favorite. But really? I think that Advent is my favorite.

When I was a kid, we made an advent wreath at church. We had the four purple and one pink candles around the edges. We'd light one each week in church and at home. When I was a kid, those four weeks lasted about a year. Now, they fly by.

Why? Because life is busy.

Life is just busy. There's no other way to say that.

We have work and home and meetings and contacts and sports and parties and activities and Facebook to help us keep up with everyone in the whole wide world and Pinterest to make us look good while keeping up (or make us feel inferior about our crafty skills--whatever).

As an adult, Advent is my reminder to s l o w  d o w n.

The thing is this: Christmas--the birth of Christ--did not happen in just one night. The Jewish people had been waiting for a very long time for a savior. Mary and Joseph had to make a very long trek to get to Bethlehem. The shepherds weren't just hanging beside the manger that night.

Christmas is about slowing down, waiting, taking our time.

Advent reminds me of this.

We have two advent wreaths in our home. The first is from my childhood. I found it when we were cleaning out my mom's garage. I grabbed it and screamed, "Mine," before my sister even know what I was hiding behind my back. (Not really, but kinda.)

The second is one that I had put together/made. The jars are a Pinterest success.

So, what is my hope this Advent season?

To slow down. 
To prepare.
To anticipate.
To accept.
To pass along.

 What do you hope for this season?


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