
January 2, 2015

I Don't Have A Word

I don't have a word for 2015. I didn't have a word for 2014, or 2013 as far as that goes. I'm sure that this "no word status" will get me banned from the blogosphere and whatnot, but I just don't have a word. Not even to your mutha.


The truth is I want all the words. When I see another friend posting that his/her word is fantabulous or whatever, I want to clap my hands for them, throw confetti for them and think of my word, but I just can't narrow it down to one word. Just can't do it. I want them all.

I'm envious of people who can be consistent and decisive and can carefully select one word for their inspiration for the coming year. I just can't do it.

I can, however, come up with other inspiration for my year:

  • My song this year: "Let It Be" by the Beatles. This is the year that I will let the world and what turns it happen. I'm pretty sure that my buddies John and Paul wrote these words for me:  

Shine until tomorrow--let it be. 

  • My quote this year: This comes from Maya Angelou's poem, "On The Pulse Of Morning:"

You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister's eyes, into
Your brother's face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning. 

 What a wonderful world this would be if we all simply, with hope, greeted each other and said, "Good Morning." Except, let's declare that morning shouldn't begin before 8:45, m'kay?

  • My scripture this year: 1 Corinthians 16:14--Do all things with love. Many people (specifically people on Facebook who really don't know me at all) have questioned my faith. In Oklahoma, it's hard to not be a Bible-thumping southern Baptist. You're either evangelical or you're not. The truth of the matter is that I'm pretty moderate, which is considered very liberal in Oklahoma. And I'm okay with that. People can question my faith--you know what I'm going to do about it? Love them anyway. (See what I did there? Already practicing...)

  • My plan this year: Be present for my family. Work toward my goals. Respect the people who join me on this journey. Think positive. Celebrate goodness. Laugh. Love. Read. Visit. Share. Write. Question. Discuss. 

Too bad I don't have a word. Thank goodness I have them all. 


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